Elanra Air Pendant™ Air Cleaner Needles

$ 48.00


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Elanra Ioniser Needles are an essential component of the Elanra Ioniser products. Genuine Elanra needles are required for the production and dispersal of the small negative ions, in consistent and sufficient quantities needed to achieve the therapeutic benefits. Elanra needles are precision made from advanced materials, and according to exact specifications which have been researched and tested to ensure the effective performance of the Elanra products.

After 1200 hours, or 150 days at 8h/day, the Elanra needles will become less effective, due to corrosion. Your Elanra product has a timer which keeps track of this, and will indicate when it is time for the needles to be replaced. Consult your Elanra product’s user manual for information about needle expiry and replacement. There are also instructional videos on the Elanra Medical Website: https://elanra.com/page/Elanra-ionisers-products-instructional-videos

Additional information

Weight 0.012 g
Dimensions 21 × 9.5 × 2 cm