Elanra Instruction Manual

To comply with our medical device standards the Elanra instruction manuals will only be provided to the ‘verified owner’ of the registered medical device. If you were gifted a registered medical device or it was left to you as part of a deceased estate, we will require written evidence for change of ownership before we can supply you with this material. The instruction manuals are not available to any other persons.

We are more than happy to send you a FREE COPY of our Instruction manual if it is lost and you meet our above standards. Kindly complete this online enquiry form below and provide your product serial number as proof of purchase. If your serial number and our database records of your history do not match, then we cannot provide you with this material, until evidence of change of ownership is provided.

We cannot support any second hand Elanra medical devices sold through online networks unless they have been through our Engineering department and inspected to be safe to use, and verified that critical elements have not been tampered with. We do not encourage buying our registered medical devices on the second hand market.

Request for Elanra Instruction Manual

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* How to find the Serial Number on my Elanra
Your unique “Serial Number” can be found on the bottom of your MkII and Air Pendant device or under the battery hatch strap for the MkIII.